The third event of "Choral Singing of Seniors" online

At 7:45 pm on June 5 (Sunday), the third online event of "Choral Singing of Seniors" was officially held and was a complete success. This event adopts the form of zoom video conference, uses online course teaching, professional teachers teach all kinds of common sense of singing, breathing and health preservation, and famous Chinese medicine professors explain how to avoid insomnia.

The event started with a registered professor of RCM and a member of the Chinese Musicians Association, Mr. Miao Miao, who led everyone to a joyful singing activity. This time, he taught everyone to sing "A Love Flower" and "Drunken Butterfly". During the singing process The principle of breathing will be explained in detail, and abdominal breathing and singing skills will be taught, so that everyone can soothe their emotions in a relaxed and interesting atmosphere, enhance their immunity and keep healthy.

Ms. Miao is leading people sing

The second part of the event is to invite Professor Wu Binjiang, the direct descendant of Professor Zhang Jin, President of Ontario College of traditional Chinese medicine, vice president of the World Federation of traditional Chinese medicine and representative of the intangible cultural heritage of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, to teach you how to avoid losing sleep.

Now many middle-aged and elderly people have serious insomnia. If insomnia lasts for a long time, it will not only bring depression, physical headache, and loss of appetite. If we let it go round and round, each of us can't predict the consequences. Besides, it is not the best way to help sleep by sleeping pills or other drugs since drugs are toxic.

Health care was a treasure given by the Chinese culture for thousands of years, which gathered the essence of a hundred families in one. Since ancient times, he had never stopped pursuing self-cultivation.

Our original intention is to hope that all the middle-aged and old friends will be healthy. During the pestilence, the fundamental solution is to improve immunity. We should actively participate in health care activities and gain a healthy life.

Special guest Professor Wu Binjiang

Professor Wu is teaching the massage techniques


Video: Professor Wu is teaching the massage techniques

Finally, the event was ended. This event was hosted by EasyMedia designated by the federal government and various associations. The event has been supported and affirmed by many organizations.


As a highly influential overseas Chinese media, Easy Media has been committed to improving the sense of social participation of middle-aged and elderly people, paying attention to their physical and mental health, and taking improving their life quality and happiness as its own responsibility.

Every month, we will select 10 lucky friends in wechat group and send exquisite gifts provided by sponsors! To help you improve your physical fitness step by step in your daily life, find friends, and live a long and healthy life.

Prize setting: 

  1. You will receive a free gift (sun capsPacific Express Travelprovided)/disinfectant/snore stopper/pen holder) for all sign-up!
  2. We will give gifts to the lucky audience at the event
  3. WeChat group will have a surprise lucky draw every month! The prize pool is too rich to imagine!!

Entry conditions: Anyone can enter, free over 55

How to register: Please give the name and phone number of your accompanying relatives and friends to the organizer.

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